THE IRON; A mineral that should not miss in your diet.
How to know if we need iron? Symptoms may occur in many ways: when there is constant drowsiness, fatigue or weakness. Some other symptoms include pallor that can be seen especially on the lips or under the eyes, anemia, shortness of breath, poor concentration, moodiness or feel weakened. Pregnancy and iron It is an important component during pregnancy because a lot of the consumption of the mineral is used by the mother to increase the amount of blood 50%. The rest of the iron in the body of the mother absorb and use the fetus and placenta to develop.
It also prevents and combats anemia and strengthens the body. Iron and adolescence The diet of a teenager should take care in a special way, because at this stage the changes are many doses of minerals, proteins and vitamins of good quality are required, it is the moment where muscles, bones, organs and systems are maturing toward structure that will have the rest of your life. Often at this age it begins to lose sight of the importance of diet. The teen starts eating out with friends or at school and you have not had a proper food culture, can opt away from the supervision of the parent, only food that fills him or her calm hunger, like breads refined, prefabricated chips or food like pizza or burgers, I mean food that does not bring essential nutrients and only satisfies him for now.
This can result later in all favorable consequences for health, morale and welfare in every way. It is important to impress upon the importance of what they eat, and try when you eat at home, eat the things that really nurture, encourage them to drink fresh vegetable juices not eat just to fill up.
We must take into account also that during adolescence, hormonal and physical changes often start shooting all kinds of emotions: confusion, depression and constant anger. Even if you do not believe, food plays a key role in emotional health, therefore, should begin to consider this point as the basis for a good emotional understanding.
It is important to check the dose of iron in the diet of a teenager. When doses are adequate, we can get a good result in physical, psychological and intellectual performance. In adolescence, it should be considered an intake of between 11.3 to 14.8 mg / day. What foods contain iron? The source of higher content of iron are lean red meat, chicken meat and seafood.
The liver also has a high concentration of iron. We can also find this mineral in the egg yolk, nuts, seaweed, tomatoes, whole grains (including comprehensive but not industrial bread), spinach, seeds and legumes (lentils and chickpeas for example). We can also find iron in parsley and brown rice for example. Absorption of iron It is important to consider that the presence of vitamin C for the iron to be absorbed and properly synthesized by the body, is necessary so that not only adequate doses consume enough iron, but also vitamin C, which can be found in fruits such as lemon, pineapple, kiwi and orange for example. In addition, vitamin C is present in broccoli in seaweed and in some other legumes as we mentioned before.
We recommend fresh juice freshly squeezed citrus fruits, because vitamin C tends to oxidize with air, light or high temperatures. On the other hand, we must also consider that foods containing caffeine decrease the absorption of iron in the body, so the abuse of coffee, chocolate and some teas, interfere with the proper absorption of this mineral so important for our body. Although the average intake for a person is between 70 mg to 120 mg of iron, in any case, it is always advisable the advice of a doctor or a naturopath