Wino Politics
November 2, 2016
Gastronews (321 articles)

Wino Politics

Spain and the USA normally have little in common on a political level, but recently there have been similarities. The political arenas on both sides of Atlantic run with blood while citizens just gape in amazement at the absurd ways those that wish to be elected to rule them perform their pathetic gyrations. Spain continues along the lines of the theatre of the absurd, and in America the most powerful country in the world can do no more than offer two essentially inappropriate presidential candidates, each with questionable histories in either politics or business.


Trump has become so famous for his falsehoods and blunders that newspapers keep a daily score. His latest blooper has been to claim to be the biggest winemaker on the US’s East Coast. Well, in the first place he is not. The winery’s website states flatly, and it is to be assumed correctly, that ‘Trump Winery is the registered name of Eric Trump Wine Manufacturing LLC, that is not owned by, managed by, or associated with …. Donald J Trump….’  Perhaps the lack of any connection explains why Trump gave the acreage of the vineyards as 2,000 acres, while the website only claims half that.


In fact Donald Trump did acquire the winery in 2011 and then gave it to his son Eric, lock, stock, and barrel. As the website states, the Donald has nothing at all to do with the business.


But the oddest aspect of all this is that Trump, with an ex-alcoholic brother, claims to be a lifelong teetotaller and accuses the drinks industry of being more dangerous to public health than the tobacco industry. This hardly sits well with his pretension of being the producer of the ‘best wine in the world’. And the best vodka. Trump Vodka was launched in 2006 with a massive promotional campaign, and the owner predicting that Trump & Tonic would soon be a world market leader. By 2011 the product had disappeared with out trace.


POSTSCRIPT: According to the latest news, sales of Trump wines are up 50% year to date. Strange when all Trump Sr’s business activities appear to be suffering.




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