June 15, 2015
Gastronews (321 articles)

Tuna encebollado

Tuna and onions Bluefin tuna is the pata negra our smares. This fish is used almost everything.
Their meat has a 12% fat, which makes it a little fatty pescadoun, but a fat rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which helps lower cholesterol and blood triglycerides and thin the blood , which lowers the risk of atherosclerosis and onions trombosis. Tuna is a recipe always from the south .
1 Kg. Of fresh tuna    
 3 onions     
2 cloves garlic     
250 ml. fine wine     
1 teaspoon paprika   
  Laurel 2hojas     
1 / 2cucharada oregano     
A few grains of cumin     
 Salt and black pepper     
Extra virgin olive oil
How it’s made    
 The tuna is going very well and gets ten minutes in cold water, then dried. We chop him into cubes and marinated tuna in a bowl with the salt, pepper, oregano, cumin and let stand apart ment.    Rodajasy cut onions and garlic peel finite sheet     In a saucepan over medium heat, we cover up to half of oil and fry the garlic and before they catch colored add the onion.
Then the laurel. I leave reogar over low heat until onion is tender.   
  Remove from heat and add paprika, stir everything well to mix it     Again put the simmering pot, I miss the wine and pieces of tuna. 15 minutes go by dejomque is simmering. I will moviedo to prevent sticking, but without crumbling the tuna taquitos.     
If I see that I will dry quedadndo I add fish stock or else have some water     I see how that leaves me pimietna salt and bay leaf and Ready to Eat !!
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