Oil anchovies Cetara
June 12, 2015
Gastronews (321 articles)

Oil anchovies Cetara

Cetara anchovies are produced in the small fishing village of Cetara, on the coast of Amalfiy it is in this small town where específicoy undergo a treatment which leaves the preciadp “oil” Cetara anchovy. A freshly caught anchovies are removing the head and entrails and held for 24 hours in a container covered in sea salt.
Then they get in small oak barrels or brown (called terzigni), alternating with layers of salt, and covered with a wooden disc in which weights are placed. When the widths are ripe, it comes to the surface a liquid which, in the case of the preparation of salted anchovies, is removed.
But this fluid is the basis for the preparation of anchovies. It is stored in large glass containers and exposed to direct sunlight, which, upon evaporation of water increases the concentration. After about four or five months, all the collected liquid is poured back into the barrels with anchovies, and slowly goes through a hole, between the layers of fish, to gather more flavor.
Finally filtered through linen and sheets prepared for cooking. To produce a liter of this “salsa natura” are needed 20 kg of anchovies DesdeCetara are realizand all formalities for being Denomination of Origin since this manufacturing process is handmade and goes back to Roman times.
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